Monday, April 23, 2012

A sex video involving sex addict Anwar Ibrahim and Shamsidar Taharin, the wife of PKR leader Azmin Ali, is set to explode the nation.

The sex video, which is said to show Anwar and Shamsidar having oral sex, has become the hottest topic in the city.

The video tape was handed by S.Nallakaruppan – who is facing a RM100million suit filed against him by Anwar – just hours ago to his lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah in the presence of reporters.

He told his lawyer at the Kuala Lumpur court complex to “take care of this properly” and handed over the tape in a sealed brown envelope.

Nalakaruppan said he would reveal the content of the video in open court but when pressed by the reporters what the video showed, he said: “Ice cream.”

The extra marital relationship between Anwar and Shamsidar has long been openly talked about.

sumber : blog STOP THE LIES

23 Apr 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kan ke video tu besi. he he

Anonymous said... tu besi la, mana boleh caya...pigi dahhhhh

Anonymous said...

Ade mcm vdeo blowjob paris hilton tu tak? Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

muke mcm anwar...perut tak same macam anwar...bkn anwar laa upahan umno la ni...kekekkeke

Anonymous said...

Anwar umpama freemanson sungguh kebal hingga pengikut redha apa pon dia buat... Dunia boleh la cerita .. Akhirat sendiri tanggung laa

Anonymous said...

semua umno yg rancang... HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Keluarlah apa pun...pengikut tuli dia bukan kesah pun...lebai-lebai karung PAS pun tak kesah kalau ada ketua akhlak macamtu...kepala otak dia nak menang pilihan raya je....

Dan dah kita ketahui yang tunggal menyokong PR tinggal yang rosak akhlak dan bangsa yang nak melayu lemah....lebih dari tu dia bukan kesah pun....

Selisih dari hampir dengan orang-orang macamni......besar punya tak tau malu.

Anonymous said...

Keluarlah apa pun...pengikut tuli dia bukan kesah pun...lebai-lebai karung PAS pun tak kesah kalau ada ketua akhlak macamtu...kepala otak dia nak menang pilihan raya je....

Dan dah kita ketahui yang tunggal menyokong PR tinggal yang rosak akhlak dan bangsa yang nak melayu lemah....lebih dari tu dia bukan kesah pun....

Selisih dari hampir dengan orang-orang macamni......besar punya tak tau malu.

Anonymous said...

Yang tak kesah tu Hadi dengan N.ajis je, penyokong yang lain ada juga risau-risau kalau isu ni boleh menyebabkan mereka kempunan kuasa dalam PRU-13 lagi nanti kerana ada pemimpin berperangai lebih mengalahkan iblis.

Kalau Hadi dan N.ajis tak risau sebab ularsemak dua ekor tu dah tempah tempat kat syurga. Bukan saja dah tempah tempat, mereka berdua pun dah gerenti boleh bagi syafaat pada Nuar pandykutty di padang mashyar nanti......

Anonymous said...

Video besi, OMEGA besi......... otak hamPAS dan liPAS dah berkarat ke?

Anonymous said...

So what. ini la yg kita mau. bebas... jais jgn kacau.

Anonymous said...

Tunjukkan pada umum leeee. Bukan kah mereka semua inginkan kebebasan?

Bebas untuk LGBT Kan? tapi ini bukan LGBT.

Tak kira lah apa pun tak apa. Janji tunjuk.

Mesti video colour ni. Mungkin HD. Clear agaknya.

Anonymous said...

blowjoB?...ajer?...hahahaha...tak pasal pasal nanti orang kata "jadi mana datangnya afifah"..hehhehe

Anonymous said...

"jadi..mana ada buat hubungan sex?....blowjob tu jer..suka-suka!!

horay.... tak salah kan?

look...human right!!ahhh

Anonymous said...

Anwar zIONIST, Kak Jijik dan Nurul Mulut bau taik, serta penjilat2 BABI haramjadah, harus memohon pendudok tetap dan bermastautin di Israel, kerana Israel adalah negeri paling selamat di dalam Dunia dan dijamin hak kebebesan untuk melakukan seks sejenis, liwat suka sama suka tanpa didakwa oleh penguatkuasa. Silakan dan jangan2 pulang ke Tanah Bumi Melayu lagi. Pergilah berambus, sibuk je buat kacau dan demo saampah dalam negeri, dipersila ke Israel.

Anonymous said...

kalau dalam otak tak nak menang pilihanraya,baik tak usah masuk politik.

cakcobain said...

orang PAS kan sokong kaki liwat!?+*&$ ...Suka sama suka..mana salah..haha..ARGGGHHHH tuih!!

Anonymous said...

ini semua politik.....politik semua nya salah....masing hendak menang......malaysia ni british yang pegang.....tunggu imam mahdi dengan nabi isa aje yang lawan semua ini....siapa yang betul siapa yang salah....semua ni politik punya kerja.......ekonomi malaysia siapa yang pegang????

Anonymous said...

Kesian Kak Wan Zizah dan anaknya Nurul Izah. Mana nak letak muka mereka? Kiri kanan depan belakang kena TIBAI.
Larilah Bung Nuar. Larilah kemana Bung suka.Asalkan dapat rehat dari berpolitik dendam.


Anonymous said...

nak percaya pada gambar???? na percaya pada video??? benda ni smua boleh edit.....dah xheran dah....kalau arwar tu betul bersalah dalam kes liwat.....kenapa arwar masih bebas???? adi itu semua tuduhan yang amat besar dosa nya.......fikir-fikir kan lah.....dariku......panther

Anonymous said...

aku sokong Datuk Najib sebab dia orang yang bijak, macam mana dia bolih ambik air Nuar kemudian palit pada punggung Saiful, engko bayang muka Nuar masa tu.

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo... tak sabar nak henggok!!! Ada pra-tonton tak?? Cetak besar2 gambo "aiskelim sebesau botol air mineral 50ml yg tak berapa nak tagang" tu kat semua akhbar/tabloid!! Siarkan sebelum PRU 13 kasik panazzz...kasik bakarrr skit isu shamsidar kolom aiskelim anwar al-juburi tu!!! WOO-HOOOOO!!!

Anonymous said...

tuduh arwar buat kesalahje tapi tak ada kebenaran...buang masa je tu BN....tubuh perkida la ni la tu la...pui2......macam haram....remove je BN n perkida dari malaysia ni baru jadi aman.....baru malaysia kite MERDEKA..............

Anonymous said...

kpd anon May 8, 2012 11:03 PM,

"....baru malaysia kite MERDEKA......"

dan dapatlah al-Juburi bebas melanyak jubur kau 2 ye..? Jambu..

ha ha ha

Anonymous said... (BERSIH MALAYSIA)
Dear Devotees into the Dhamma,
I sincerely shall use the language to make publicly the bitter experience that actually has happened in the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19-21 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
I am not satisfied with the Gombak MCA Division chairman (Yip Kum Fook) and the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION chairman (Yip Kum Fook) because he used vicious and arrogant means in bringing in a group of individuals from other places to provoke and trample the sacred ground and without any sound reason called in the police to forcefully detain the monk so as to humiliate worshippers of Buddhism.
I strongly would like to ask here that what great sin and crimes had he committed to the extent of you Yip Kum Fook lawyer by means or by crooks called in the police to detain a monk like him?
I came from Penang, I was a newcomer and I temporarily put up at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION to study and learn to practice Buddhism. While at the temple, I could not bear with the way Yip Kum Fook lawyer behaved, your uncourteous, arrogant and unexcelled attitude in treating the Temple abbot.
Because I said a few words about your behavior to you Yip Kum Fook, you resorted to such dirty means to hurt a monk. It is indeed unacceptable and cast a very bad example.
For a school principal, if his and her student has committed an offence, the police must as a matter of courtesy meet up with the principal, try to understand the actual situation, before the police take any actions. This is the usual practice.
But it is sorry to say, that Yip kum Fook lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to have done. Otherwise, he did not act in accordance with the teaching of Buddhism and looked down on the spirit of Buddhism for the sole purpose of showing off that he is the powerful chairman of MCA Gombak Division and the chairman of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He demanded the police to detain the monk so as to realize his motive.
It is very fortunate that due to the fact that religion itself is a sensitive matter, even the Malay policemen understood and respected the religion, culture and customs of other communities, so they did not rush into taking any actions. Otherwise, the consequences would be catastrophic.
I understand why Yip Kum Fook lawyer was furious and flared up. The main reason is as follows. The abbot of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. He has been the abbot for 20 years. He was the architect and played the pivotal in raising fund the public to build up the Temple.
Continued next………

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