Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 29 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad challenged PAS today to appoint DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang as its president after a lawmaker from the Islamist party said it was ready to accept Christian leaders.

The former Umno president, who tussled with PAS over Islamic issues during his 22 years in power, told reporters “there is nothing wrong with this as Kit Siang will surely protect Islam and give allocation for mosques.”

“They used to call us kafir (unbelievers) but now they want non-Muslim leaders,” the former prime minister said, referring to PAS’s criticisms of Umno for working with other parties in Barisan Nasional (BN) such as MCA and MIC.

“Now they are not only co-operating (with non-Muslims), they want non-Muslim leaders. They should make Lim Kit Siang their president. After all he is a very patriotic Malaysian,” he said of the veteran DAP leader who led the opposition during most of Dr Mahathir’s time in power.

PAS research chief Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said yesterday the party is ready to accept non-Muslims in positions as senior as deputy president.

The Kuala Selangor MP said the party was prepared to emulate Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), which appointed Coptic Christian intellectual Rafiq Habib as its vice president last year.

Semakin berantakan dan jahanam golongan parasit mengerjakan PAS. 

Tidak cukup dengan menyingkirkan pro ulama dari parti, Tuan Haji Anwar Ibrahim sudah mengarahkan parasit-parasitnya untuk membuka ruang bagi jawatan Timbalan Presiden kepada bukan Islam.

Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad sudah terlebih dahulu mendahului suara dan kesepakatan dari Majlis Syura PAS. Semakin ramai golongan cerdik pandai agama dalam parti ini telah menjadi Ularmak Bisu.

Negara Islam, Hukum Hudud? Bagaimana jika Timbalan Presiden PAS yang baru dan bukan seorang Muslim menentang perlaksanaan Hukum Hudud kelak?

PAS parti apa sebenarnya? ...

29 Feb 2012


Anonymous said...

parti lendir

Anonymous said...

hehehe bukan kit siang lah letak elly lah huhu

Anonymous said...

makin merapu dan mengarut,aku fikir 2xxxxxxx3xxxxxxxuntuk sokong pas

Anonymous said...

PAS ada lah : Parti Apa Sahaja

Nam Ron said...

Ada sekali gua jumpa poster "Mahathir Mohamed: A Doctor From The Asshole"..gua tak berapa nak ambik pot!...tapi tengok pada cakap2 beliau sejak akhir2 ni, memang ada kebenarannya!!