Friday, September 21, 2012

GE13 is the mother of all elections. BN must change, dun let this type of things happen again after the bad experience in 2008 or BN will lose more seats.

Serba salah dibuatnya. Perlu atau tidak diberitahu kepada umum?

Jika disampaikan, bakal merosakkan usaha keras Perdana Menteri yang juga Pengerusi Barisan Nasional.

Jika tidak disampaikan, sebenarnya telah mengkhianati amanah yang diberikan kepada GWM.

Suka atau tidak, GWM perlu memaparkan kiriman email yang agak kurang menyenangkan. BN perlu berubah, jika benar-benar mahu merampas kembali Pulau Pinang.


tq for your kind help. My whole intention is to serve and help as many people as I can, that is why all this while I work very hard especially for Bayan Baru.

The locals and also the BN component parties leaders know how hard I work. Bayan Baru UMNO Divison Chief has always been supportive of me becoz he knows how much I have helped him to cover Batu Maung too.

I was threatened and warned by my own MCA leaders not to move to Bayan Baru or something bad will happen to me...but I still stay positive and proceed with what I like to do.

So, I was dropped as penyelaras..jobless...then offered a job at BN Pg, but still these people sabotaged me by pressing the BN people not to hire me...
I was threatened and warned by my own MCA leaders not to move to Bayan Baru or something bad will happen to me

The latest (I am very surprise), it seems that they have also successfully "bought over" our UMNO division chief...i am very sad and disappointed too.

The chief has a sudden change of attitude and suddenly support the new guy by the name of Ooi, who never works for Bayan Baru. Please be cautious if u wish to write this ... even the local umno leaders are surprised and disappointed with the sudden change of their division leader.

Yesterday, someone fr contacted me seeking my help as the so-called MCA candidate, Mr Ooi whom they have contacted quite some time ago does not response to them.
it seems that they have also successfully "bought over" our UMNO division chief...i am very sad and disappointed too.

This NGO is asking him to find 100 poor chinese families to provide assistance to them.

I was told this Mr Ooi that told my kasih that he is very busy and only managed to find 30 for them.

I told my kasih people becoz this Mr Ooi never move around in Bayan Baru, how can him know the poor people and he never interested to help all this while too.

Bro, I dun know who you are actually but I appreciate your help very much.

GE13 is the mother of all elections. BN must change, dun let this type of things happen again after the bad experience in 2008 or BN will lose more seats.



Terserah ...

Namun begitu, DS Najib perlu memberi perhatian kepada unsur-unsur yang secara tidak langsung mampu merosakkan peluang BN untuk merampas kembali Pulau Pinang.

21 Sep 2012


Anonymous said...

Mengapa melayu bodoh 55 tahun pangkah n undi MCA?

MCA ini pewaris cina komunis yg diconvert namanya oleh UMNO untuk jadi teman karib politiknya....

DEB gagal kerana pujukan mca dengan konsep kontrak ali-baba....

MCA mentah2 hina hukum hudud seperti yg diajar oleh UMNO sendiri..

MCA herdik n hina Islam bila kata wakil rakyat umno johor yg sokong hudud sebagai orang hilang akal (orang gila)..

Terkini MCA menyuburkan "budaya korupsi" dengan kata politik wang itu 'bukan rasuah' dan boleh dilakukan walaupun umum faham politik wang & penipuan pilihanraya merosakkan prinsip demokratik & nilai kemanusiaan sejagat, negara hanya dikuasai oleh golongan towkey2 anarki & autokratik ...

sebenar ramai ahli MCA berjiwa chauvanist n extremist racist kaum cina dan mereka adalah pemimpin2 korup & tak patriotik yg taida kesetiaan kepada Malaysia!

Bagi MCA... Malaysia tak penting.. yg penting adalah "WANG"! dari dulu n kini MCA khianati Malaysia!

tolak MCA, tolak korupsi, tolak rasis, tolak kapitalis, tolak monopoli, tolak politik kotor yg tidak demokratik dan tolak anti-Islam!

politik wang, kapitalisme MCA=UMNO...

tolak MCA, tolak UMNO ---> tolak BN --> Malaysia Sejastera.