Petronas hebat selama ini dengan usaha, komitmen, kerja keras dan semangat nasionalisme pekerja Petronas sendiri.
Mereka jatuh dan bangun dengan Petronas. Setia dengan syarikat itu walaupun mendapat tawaran berpuluh kali ganda daripada syarikat utama dunia yang lain.
Sayangnya, satu demi satu, individu dan ‘kroni’ seorang pemimpin kanan Petronas dibawa masuk tanpa sebarang tugasan yang spesifik. Main bawa masuk kawan sahaja?
Lebih merisaukan apabila kalangan orang Shell yang sudah immigrate ke Petronas ini, kebanyakannya mempunyai semangat ‘sebangsa, senegara, sejiwa’.
Mohon kepimpinan tertinggi Petronas nilai semula perkembangan yang amat merisaukan ini.
sgt setuju..amat ramai cha ya nun alif dan org luar yg masuk dapat gaji besar dan jawatan tinggi dan pelik2, tapi tak taghu kerja. DS Najib rileks jer diam. memang skait hati melihat PETRONAS sedang dlm kejatuhan. Apa yg PETRONAS ada skrg adalah hasil pentadbiran dahulu. Yg sekarang, tdak ada satu improvement dan keuntungan pd PETRONAS. Hanya tahu jalan2 makan angin dan gaji besar. Golf sana sini, Cigar dan minum arak sesuka hati.
Saya kerja petronas menyokong penuh BN dan kepimpinan DS Najib, tp DSN tutup mata dan telinga tentang salah laku dan salah guna kuasa dlm PETRONAS.
Saya bekas pekerja shell sgt fsham dgn agenda cha ya nun alif ini. amat susah bumi nak naik. Jgn sampai petronas jadi seperti itu.
dulu masa hasan merican jaga petronas, xde la mcm ni..bodoh punya umno..
Jgn sampai jd mcm institusi kewangan sudahlah...
Melayu...memang ramai...tapi dibahagian bawahan ajer
Mari kita renungkan bersama...
Nak jadi macam MAS juga yang penuh dgn puak2 Khawarij PAS. Sikalang apa sulah jadi? Cuti panjang tanpa gaji. Baik pegi mati lagi baik.
Saya dah veteren dalam petronas,mcm2 kerja wat diluar bidang tugas demi semangat menaikkan petronas dan negara dimata dunia dan generasi mendatang,skrg masih semangat krn ingatkan bngsa melayu prlu terus mj,tp mmg benar,bw msk pembida2 yg x mmpu kerja dpt contract serta individu ca..yaa yg bukan2,x nmpk kemajuan,hnya peninggalan org terdahulu sj,x dynamic.DSN kena ambil tindakan segera..urgent dah nih..
Tu lah najib syokmsendiri, gunting dalam lipatan by dalam kerajaan dan glc...kita jgn lupa paklah al samdol punya pasal ini semua terjadi, dia terlelap..org bau taik dan geng jubur di masukakan..mana ta hancur bn dan umno dari dalam...
begitu juga la dgn syarikat GLC subsideri UEM iaitu TIME DOTCOM yg kini sudah dikuasi oleh kaum2 wahabi (cha ya nun alif) yg kebnyakknnya bekas kakitangan DiGi serta menguasai jawatan tertinggi dlm syarikat berkenaan. Minta diberi perhatian, krn kebnyakkan mereka ini pro DAP.
BETULLLLL>>>PETRONAS AKAN HANCUR..Semua kroni cina dah mula masuk..sebab nya..Sapa bawa masuk Dato W....Ini persoalan nya..
Ramai dah tahu...dan ramai professional melayu di masukkan dalam freezer..Apa dah jadi????
Petronas hancur, pekerja gomen pn hancur..kurangkn cina bole x? PEMANDU pn ramai staf cina. meeting cakap english, x reti bahasa melayu..pundek betul ar..lu keje gomen, kena tau dua2 la baghal. English tau, melayu x tau..ko tu cina Malaysia, ingt sikit!
I couldn't agree more, take an example at CIMB, Nazir Razak as CEO (Najib brother's). It is well known that he prefer chinese over malay. Also all division or dept head in this huge entity are Chineses. The only Malay is a head of HR dept. Just get a mgmt. chart and you can see this..over hundreds of senior position that exist in CIMB, less than 10 are Malays.
Its a common sight that one chinese senior staff came on board, you can see all his subordinates are all chinese within a weeks. Not a year, remind you!
Those who had an experience at their HQ, can see with your own eyes, almost all the building level in that high rise CIMB HQ tower so called "menara BUMIPUTRA" are full of chinese. even so many floor without a single soul of Malay. Just imagine... if you want to see the Malays working at CIMB , just go to the branches.. one that take a morning stroll along SOGO or having a breakfast at their 'old town white coffee' can see how CIMB is basically under Chinese leash 100 % ..Off course there is MALAY there, but most are clerks and low grade officer (which most of them are from the antique- Bank Bumiputra) only a handfull of them even reach a position as an Executive ,AVP or even VP ( AVP which is almost similar like Asst. Mgr / Junior Manager in other Industry).
Recall the Dream Deposit campaign that gave away nice and expensive car (Audi, VW, Mercedez, BMW)? Surprisingly all the winner are Chinese in 12 straight months..! just think that and you will get the ideas!This is the fact...
SVP ? - None
Higher than SVP ? - None
C*O (CFO, CTO, bla2 O) - All Chinese
Board, Chairman and CEO - 90 % Malay
Bank status - GLC (belong to the Government)
Just ask anyone who have been working here, what is their bonus differences with the Chinese collegue (or BOSS)and how they being treated at by their Chinese boss.
So many of the Chinese joining having a BS and fake degree and can not even do their job for god sake due to their incompetence in skills and knowledges.They are far from able to contemplate their own job scope... but the next thing u know, they all got promoted mainly because they are Chinese (ALL!).
Why this is happening when such a bank like Public Bank , HLB , RHB and so many other Chinese/ Foreign Banks never open the door to Malay in their senior management position when they are fully match all the required criterions.
Yes there are one or two Malays, so called Islamic Division CEO while all the rest under her are Chinese(minus the Sharia'a advisor which is Malay for sure)
The more pressing issue now is we cant ask for help from DSN as he's not having any intention nor effort to champion or fight for Malay right compared to Mahathir. 1Malaysia is the most damning thing for sure for us Malay!
He's absolutely know this trend and racist practice and he choose to do nothing. And his brother (Nazir) is far worse!
As an example, i'm as Malay and happened to be the boss at some small unit in the GLC. calling this Malay guy for an interview and after 3 round, he's definitely up to the job because we know what we asking and looking for. Then you make a filing to HR which off course most are Malays.. then they will setup another interview with this Malay candidate and then Bangg.. , your selected candidate failed the HR interview due to some funny and Bullshit reason.
The next day, you came to the office, 1 mail in your inbox.. from HR..Hi Mr. ..., below are the 2 candidates extracted from our own pool talent that we believe will be a right candidate that you are looking for.
And guess what , all are Chinese. And they dont even need to go to 3 round of interview like Malay. Then OK, you conduct an interview with them ,Result: they not even able to explain or have the slightest idea of what the job they applying for...(Please stop with mentality- Chinese are smart! it's totally WRONG)
Only thing u know is , your approval had been supercede by your division /dept boss which is Chinese.
1 month later this new guy came in.. doing nothing only spoke nicely to all Malays ,kipas sana kipas sini... the next 6 months (Right after probation) he already being promoted. Most Chinese receive 2 promotion in 1 year. How you justify this? Then after 3 years, you only see all are Chinese in your department (95%). And that nice Chinese guy is now having his own room and don't talk so nicely anymore with Malays..
Lesson to be learned..True story anywhere you go ..I mean just ask around..
just go have a look at Bank Islam....most CFO CTO CIA CRO are non Malays/non muslim...
Salah kita undi pemimpin korup n penting diri sendiri saja..... Pemimpin yg SALAHGUNA hak istimewa Melayu untuk jadikan hak istimewa UMNO saja..... Majoriti Melayu masih terpinggir ......
Berubah Kerajaan dulu, barulah Dasar n amalan tadbiran turut berubah .... Negara juga turut berubah......
kalau diubah kerajaan pun selagi sikap orang melayu tidak berubah[kerja nak sikit duit nak banyak]terutama sekali kaki tangan tertinggi petronas ini macam tu juga keadaan tetap tidak akan berubah.
kerajaan baru akan bina minda baru, budaya baru, identiti baru dan jatidiri baru orang Melayu yang lebih berdaya maju dan berdaya saing yang POSITIF serta DINAMIK...
PR untuk perubahan...... pru13.. undi PR
Nak buat mcmana org melayu dlm petronas 95% termasuk kakitangan bawahan pun sokong pembangkang...Apa YG PM Najib boleh buat....puak2 ni memang tk suka najib.... apa yg berlaku nanti dia org tanggunglah sendiri..jadi kuli bangsa asing.
Lepas geram tak ke mana. Orang cina menguasai segenap lapisan. Sekadar geram tanpa pengalaman. Pas ke umno ke Pkr melayu.... tetsp melsyu... kuasa percaturan di tsngan dia orang... kekuatan ekonomi di tanggan mereka..
Siaoa yg simpan banyak dlm bank... so maka utk tarik ini semua .. Alasan nya perlu pegawai bank Cina.
Org Islam Melayu dlm petronas... tak disukai dan tsk moden.... Akan disisih pelan. Terutama nampak macam tablig tak macam pegawai petronas
dulu masa hasan merican jaga petronas, xde la mcm ni..bodoh punya umno..
Saya bekas pekerja shell sgt fsham dgn agenda cha ya nun alif ini. amat susah bumi nak naik. Jgn sampai petronas jadi seperti itu.
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