Sunday, July 8, 2012

For the past 48 hours, Super Arrogant PJ Utara MP Tony Pua has been boasting of “tearing into pieces” the claims of the RM 1 billion questionable deal made by Chua Tee Yong.

He has belittled Chua of being an accountant who did not know how to count and one who would end up with a big blunder!

But see who has being the first to make the biggest blunder! None other than our Oxford graduate who claims to be the Economic Czar!

He has admitted that the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government has over paid RM42 million for a piece of land in Bestari Jaya from Talam Corporation Bhd!

The best part is this – he could not answer simple questions from the press.

When asked if the state entities – Unisel, SAP Holdings and PNSB – has received any repayment despite the purported successful debt recovery, this pathetic MP could only replied: “This is for the Selangor state government to reply.”

He also could not reply why no White Paper has been issued by the MB
as promised, again saying its for the Selangor government to reply.

If that is the case, don’t be a busy body lah giving daily press conferences, issuing 24 hour ultimatum and running down people when you cannot even answer basic questions.

Read More, click STOP THE LIES
08 Jul 2012


Dot said...


why should we bother with this typically narrow-minded phua who chose to sail on a make-shift raft instead of a submarine? he's so shallow that he needs to spare his pea brain on counting the mispayment by the selangor state to proove their wrongdoings clearer!! hek