This is disappointing by Malaysian standards.
It has taken more than a couple of weeks before someone and the mainstream media accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of being architect of the land grab by the Sultan of Sulu.
Of course, he is involved and these are the reasons.
1) Anwar Ibrahim is manipulator par excellence and so skilled that he convinced several hundred fighters from Philippines to hide out in Lahad Datu and die for his cause.
2) Anwar Ibrahim wanted Sabahans and Malaysians to understand how lethargic our defences are that he persuaded a ragtag army to enter Malaysia and occupy the land.
3) Besides being an agent for the US and Zionists, he also shares a bloodline with the Sultan of Sulu.
4) Anwar Ibrahim predicted that Hishammuddin Hussein and gang would be so inept in handling the saga that he thought it worthwhile to persuade the Sultan of Sulu and family to make the jaunt and create diplomatic discord between Malaysia and Philippines.
5) Anwar Ibrahim wanted to show Sabahans how reckless the government has been in allowing hundreds of thousands of Filipinos to become legal residents of the state.
6) Why wouldn’t Anwar Ibrahim be behind this invasion? The man is incorrigible, a true enemy of the BN state.
7) Anwar Ibrahim knows the government’s response is to always extend the deadline and this will affect the elections when it is finally held and he will win.
8) Anwar Ibrahim has found out that the ministers in charge of internal security and defence will be more interested in dishing cash handouts rather than make national defence a priority.
9) Anwar Ibrahim has links with all the world media and get them to write bad things about Malaysia although their journalists are in the pay of public relations experts hired by the government.
10) Everything is Anwar Ibrahim’s fault because you can’t trust him although he was Umno deputy president and Malaysia’s deputy prime minister.
Rakyat pasti tertanya mengapa portal Malaysian Insider menerbitkan sebuah artikel yang dianggap sinis dan sindiran terhadap dakwaan Anwar Ibrahim terlibat dalam kemelut insiden di Lahad Datu.
Barangkali artikel dari Malaysian Insider dianggap sebagai satira jenaka, namun secara tidak langsung ianya suatu tamparan kepada Anwar Ibrahim dan pembangkang.
Sampai bila Anwar Ibrahim harus bersikap bacul dan pengecut terhadap media luar dan hanya meletakkan kesalahan semata-mata kepada Utusan Malaysia.
Mustahil Anwar Ibrahim tidak nampak kesan dan impak penerbitan artikel ini terhadap orang awam dan rakyat.
Mustahil juga Ketua Editor portal ini tidak nampak dan melihat kesan dari artikel ini. Ini adalah 'reverse psychology' yang bakal menjerumuskan Ketua Pembangkang ini ke suatu sudut yang tidak mampu untuk keluar.
Atau sememangnya tujuan sebenar Malaysian Insider menberi 'signal' kepada penyokong Pakatan Rakyat untuk tolak dan tinggalkan Anwar Ibrahim yang semakin jelas terbabit, hasil dari laporan media-media luar dan antarabangsa.
Seolah-olah mengiyakan lagi pembabitan Anwar Ibrahim dalam kemelut insiden Lahad Datu sehingga gugurnya 5 pejuang negara.
Namun timbul satu persoalan ...
Beranikah Anwar Ibrahim mengambil tindakan saman sepertimana beliau lakukan terhadap Utusan Malaysia?
Itupun kalau Anwar Ibrahim ada telor lah ...

Sedare, penulis menggunakan reverse psychology je tu.. hamparan 10 sebab tu adalah perli untuk orang2 yang mengatakan anwar terlibat..
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