Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen has condemned those using social networking sites to spread allegations of a blackout during tallying of votes on Sunday.
Lee said those responsible should stop spreading such allegations and advised the public against believing the purported incident.
“None of our aides or myself are involved in sending out any SMSes or uploading the incident of a blackout in the tallying centre.
“This is not the work of the DAP and I urge the police to investigate the matter,” he said.
Lee said that besides him, there were many other officials including police personnel and journalists who could verify the actual situation.
He said that together with several aides, they arrived at the centre at about 9pm and left after 2am on Monday.
“The returning officer announced the winners for the state seats shortly after midnight and at about 1.30am, the result of the parliamentary constituency.
“There was definitely no blackout and I would like to reiterate that neither the party nor I had anything to do with stories of the alleged incident spread by certain quarters,” he said.
sumber : THE STAR
Sekurang-kurangnya, ADUN Ketari DAP Lee Chin Chen ini BERANI BERCAKAP BENAR bagi pihak ANWAR KAKI FITNAH. Sudah terlampau banyak FITNAH yang dilemparkan oleh para pemimpin pembangkang, hasil buah tangan RED BEAN ARMY DAP.
Lee Chin Chen ... Betul ke DAP tidak terlibat ?
Calon DAP Bentong yang tewas, Wong Tack juga telah mengesahkan tidak ada BLACKOUT atau BEKALAN ELEKTRIK TERPUTUS semasa pengiraan undi dijalankan, walaupun ada segelintir DAPigs melayangkan KHABAR ANGIN melalui laman Facebook.
(1) Red Kacang Lupa Kulit Army sudah MEMALUKAN DAP secara keseluruhan.
(2) Anwar mula tukar PELAN B DEMO BESAR-BESARAN, janji SUMPAH untuk bergelar PERDANA MENTERI tercapai walaupun PAS dan DAP menerima keputusan PRU-13.
(3) AmBIGass silap buat SPRING.
(4) BN boleh duduk rileks sekejap makan kuaci. Bangla dan Indon sudah MULA cari NAK HENTAK BANGSA KIASU ini.
Anwar, Anwar ... Tak nak tanya Lim Guan Eng dan Ahmad Yakob TERHEGEH-HEGEH angkat sumpah buat apa ? Suruh diaorang boikot la, buang watikah perlantikan ...

dengar cerita terengganu akan membuka pagar mesjid. bagus lah itu.
harapan semua negeri dapat chontoh negeri tersebut.
baguslah tidak perlu kita risau tentang kecurian atau kehilangan.
tempatkan saja pejabat ugama islam di setiap masjid negeri ianya memudahkan segala masalah urusan keugamaan,bina perpustakaan islam di situ. wakaf untuk musafir musafir.
kita semarak kan cahaya islam dengan majlis 2 dzikir dan solat malam. diharamkan segala kegiatan dan ceramah politik disitu.
harap tok najib dapat tunaikan ini.
persoalan pertama: Apakah berita ini akan sampai kepada pencacai pembangkang?
persoalan kedua: Sekiranya berita ini sampai kepada mereka, mampukah mereka berfikir yg anuwar telah menipu mereka?
KOKS = Kick Out Kit Sial
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