To tell you the truth ... I have no idea why in the first place you've brought up this issue. Of course, there has been report lodged and well documented by some international non-governmental organisation 3 years ago ... bla bla bla ... bla bla bla.
I am greatly surprised that this deserves mention in your blog. Probably you're trying to imitate what Julian Assange did. God knows!
Pity ... established journalist like you would highlight mere speculation. Now, it has blown out of proportion and become silver bullet to the opposition warmonger.
Well at least, Rais Yatim has denied the allegation today that he had raped his maid in 2007.

Unless, you have hard facts and please do refrain yourself from making this kind of blogging.
And to my least knowledge ... you're the first person to bring up the issue. Certainly you have some issues that you need to clear out with Rais Yatim.
GWM : So, Dato Rocky Bru ... Care to explain?

Brother, denying is another thing. Before you ask Rocky that question, i think you should wait till the police investigate this matter first. If you are asking Rocky to explain now, means you are saying Rais is clean. Come on la, let the police do the job and stop acting like one okay? Are you clear? Or should i give you OXFORD dictionary for reference?
Rocky's Fan
Well said! Nobody wll admit of rape and it's such an easy word of denying. Anwar deny of liwatting Saiful but you UMNO people won't accept his words so what the different between this two guys of DENYING THE ACCUSATION THROWN ON THEM!
Goodness me ... thought it was Dato' that commented.
Honestly, neither did i say Rais Yatim is clean nor did i say Rocky is the bad apple!
Things need to be cleared off. Thanks ... don't need extra OXFORD dic, got few at home.
Well said too Anon 10.48pm ...
You must be BIG FAN of Al Juburi. Hmmm ... come to think of the xtraordinary Karpal Singh!
The one who brought up Anwar's case in PARLIAMENT back in 1998, the one who spoke at FEDERAL HOTEL believe that Anwar did sodomize, the one said 'ANWAR HARUS BERTAUBAT' of the chaotic that Anwar has done and now ... defending Anwar's case against sodomy accisation.
Can you accept his words too ...
Let just talk about Rocky and Rais (RnR)... we're not talking about Al Juburi here.
Anyone will deny any bad accusation thrown at them.
So let the police investigate the claim first before we go ahead without knowing what really happen and speculating on that.
times to eat your own words...
enjoy responsibly..
Salam...blog Tuan sudah kami pautkan...mohon tunjuk ajar dari pihak tuan dalam dunia siber ini...
please... be a responsible blogger... stop with the slander or libel... malu laa... wat malu blogger2 len...
nasihat kepada pkr. jgn terlalu yakin boleh kekal kemenangan diwangsa maju.Kemenangan pru 12 hanya 150 sahaja.
calun baru pkr cakap melayu pun lebih teruk dari samy vellu.
bolehkah calun baru itu menambat hati pengundi melayu khususnya melayu atas pagar. kenapa wangsa maju asyik disogokkan calun 'payung terjun' takde ke warga wangsa maju yang berpotensi layak utk diketengahkan. terus terang kami diwangsa maju masih trouma dan kecewa dgn YB Choo Keong yang jadi katak. Kali ini minta maaf kami akan bagi peluang kepada BN.
PKR jgn terkejut jika terjadi pertandingan 3 penjuru diwangsa maju. Ada seorang calun yang boleh diketengahkan untuk memecah undi melayu dan calun BN boleh menang selesa. Orang ini dulu asuhan umno dan sangat dkenali ramai di wangsa maju dan setiawangsa khususnya dikalangan jemaah masjid dan surau.
PKR jgn pandangan remeh. baru2 ini sekumpulan pengundi melayu atas pagar menggesa beliau supaya bertanding pru 13 untuk memberi kemenangan pada calun BN. berhati2 lah pkr. secara peribadinya jika orang ini bertanding saya juga akan menyokong dia. AWAS
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