Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In a strange twist of events, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad advised DAP leader P Ramasamy to apologise to his chief, Karpal Singh.

Referring to Karpal as “the godfather of DAP”, the former Umno president wondered if the spat between the two DAP men was nothing more than political drama.

“I don’t know if it is not sandiwara (drama), but we all know that the godfather of the DAP is Karpal Singh.”

“Everybody knows that Karpal is the godfather, and you have to be nice to him. If you insult him, you must apologise,” he told reporters at a press conference. - FREE MALAYSIA TODAY, 13 Disember 2011

Barangkali Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM) mahu P Ramasamy lebih menghormati Karpal Singh sebagai pemimpin paling senior dan berpengaruh dalam DAP ... atau mungkin ianya adalah kenyataan 'sarcastic' dan sindiran TDM terhadap wajah sebenar parti chauvinist dan racist!

Bagaimana jika P Ramasamy menurut nasihat dan saranan TDM lalu meminta maaf kepada Karpal Singh? Tidak mustahil timbul spekulasi Timbalan Ketua Menteri II Pulau Pinang ini dikatakan lebih menghormati dan mendengar nasihat Ex Godfather UMNO dari Godfather DAP sendiri ...

13 Dec 2011


Nok said...

TDM memang superv dlm membalas balik pertayaan reporter...baik dari media antarabangsa....sayang dia dah bersara...kalau dia masih PM aku rasa tak ada kecoh2 mcm sekarang ni...walau apa pun Najib bijak sikit dari ahmad badawi...kalau tidak mungkin PR memerentah di PRU13 nanti dik sbb ahmad badawi tidorrrrrrrr

Unknown said...


Naufall Adif said...

everything he said we should read it between the line. tun m sangat power dengan sarcastic tone dia.hehe