Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kita yakin rakyat masih tidak melupakan dakwaan Anwar Ibrahim bahawasanya kerajaan BN dibawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib dituduh bersekongkol dengan setiap agensi kerajaan dan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) meloloskan dan membawa masuk 40,500 pengundi hantu dari Bangladesh pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Sebelum kita melangkau lebih jauh, ada lebih baiknya dipaparkan kembali dakwaan dan tuduhan Anwar Ibrahim bahawa BN telah melakukan penipuan untuk memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

sumber : http://anwaribrahimblog.com

Klik untuk besarkan imej yang tertera di atas.

Setiap perkataan yang bertanda merah, Anwar Ibrahim, selaku Ketua Pembangkang dan Ketua Umum PKR berulangkali menegaskan bahawa beliau mempunyai bukti dan dokumen yang cukup serta sahih pembabitan BN membawa masuk 40,500 pengundi hantu dari Bangladesh dalam memastikan kemenangan BN.

Anwar Ibrahim dan pembangkang juga berulangkali mendakwa berlakunya bekalan elektrik terputus sewaktu pengundian dilakukan pada pilihanraya umum yang lalu.

Simple, short and sweet ... Dua hari yang lalu.

sumber : http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com

DAP Election Strategist Ong Kian Ming today concurred with citizen monitoring group Pemantau’s findings that there were no incidences of Bangladeshi voters or power blackouts at the polling centres under its observation during the 13th general election.

Ong told FMT today that he was not aware of any foreign voters or blackouts during the national polls in May, but said his party has yet to issue an official stand on the issue.

When asked to comment on Pemantau’s findings, he said: “As far as I know, there were no foreign voters and blackouts so I concur with their view.”

Ong, however, would not comment on the other areas and added that, “there were no such incidences in my constituency.”

Previously, Pemantau reportedly said it did not find irregularities such as power failures and foreign voters in the 87 parliamentary seats that it observed.

“There are reports which say Bentong (constituency) suffered a blackout (during the counting of ballots). When I checked with my colleagues, I was told there was no blackout,” he said, adding that this supported Pemantau’s findings.

Ong had avoided the question of Pakatan Rakyat supremo Anwar Ibrahim’s claim that there were certain documents that proved there were Bangladeshis, Filipinos and Indonesians who were brought in by Barisan Nasional as voters.

On Friday, Bersih steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah confirmed that there was no power failure when asked if observers had witnessed any blackouts as alleged by Pakatan Rakyat as well as numerous commentators on the social media after the GE.

She also told FMT that: “We also didn’t know about these foreign voters. There were several reports of that but we didn’t see any.”

Simple, short and sweet ... 8 Mei 2013.

sumber : http://www.thestar.com.my

Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen has condemned those using social networking sites to spread allegations of a blackout during tallying of votes on Sunday.

Lee said those responsible should stop spreading such allegations and advised the public against believing the purported incident.

“None of our aides or myself are involved in sending out any SMSes or uploading the incident of a blackout in the tallying centre.

“This is not the work of the DAP and I urge the police to investigate the matter,” he said.

Lee said that besides him, there were many other officials including police personnel and journalists who could verify the actual situation.

He said that together with several aides, they arrived at the centre at about 9pm and left after 2am on Monday.

“The returning officer announced the winners for the state seats shortly after midnight and at about 1.30am, the result of the parliamentary constituency.

“There was definitely no blackout and I would like to reiterate that neither the party nor I had anything to do with stories of the alleged incident spread by certain quarters,” he said.

Dua pemimpin DAP, Ong Kian Ming (Pemikir Strategi DAP) dan Lee Chin Chen (ADUN Kenari DAP) secara sebulat suara dan mengesahkan tidak wujud pengundi hantu mahupun gangguan bekalan elektrik semasa pengiraan undi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang lalu.

Kita bercakap mengenai pengakuan dua pemimpin DAP, yang tidak sanggup berbohong mengenai isu pengundi hantu mahupun gangguan bekalan elektrik.

Apa yang Anwar Ibrahim tegaskan berulangkali ...

We have credible documentary evidence that these groups of foreign nationals are being transported from the airports to various sequestration points within Selangor/Kuala Lumpur and the other affected states using transport provided by various government agencies as well as charted bus operators.

We have video recordings, photographic evidence and documents to support our claims. We also have the flight schedule of these chartered flights.

Kita memang tahu Anwar Ibrahim berbohong ...

Namun prinsip utama dan pokok pangkalnya adalah dimana bukti sahih dalam bentuk rakaman video, gambar dan dokumen-dokumen berkaitan seperti yang yang didakwa Ketua Pembangkang dan Ketua Umum PKR.

Prinsip utama disini juga adalah Anwar Ibrahim perlu MEMINTA MAAF SECARA TERBUKA kepada Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib, Barisan Nasional, SPR dan agensi-agensi kerajaan.

Paling utama, Anwar Ibrahim perlu MEMINTA MAAF SECARA TERBUKA kepada rakyat atas pembohongan, fitnah dan tohmahan yang telah beliau lemparkan selama ini.

Kita desak Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib, Barisan Nasional dan SPR terutamanya mengambil tindakan saman malu di atas fitnah dan tohmahan yang Anwar Ibrahim lakukan.

Link atau pautan blog beliau di atas sudah cukup untuk dijadikan bahan bukti fitnah dan tohmahan untuk dibawa ke mahkamah.

Cukup-cukuplah berlembut dengan Anwar Ibrahim. Jangan bagi muka lagi kepada Si Melayu Bedebah ini.  Melayu Bedebah macam haram ni perlu diajar cukup-cukup ...

17 Sep 2013


Anonymous said...

After perusing the above article I strongly believe that DS Anwar is a liar.I strongly urge the government to take stern actions against him for the lie including civil suit in Court. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yes, he needs to be accountable for what he said n he really deserves stern actions.

Anonymous said...

It just confirms that he's a very sick man,always saying he has proof but actually none,n his followers say its a conspiracy,but when rakyat r shown proof of his lies eg 40000 bangla
,99.9 percent verified chinadoll video,dna existence in his
sodomy cases in court etc,he denies n his followers wholeheartedly believes
him.adoi!what's gonna happen to msia

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the 16 sept BIG LIE! LIAR,LIAR,LIAR!yet many still love n believe him.kasihan rakyat yg taksub dan terpedaya dgn anwar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He lies all the time and DAP and its members are goons that believe in Anwar. Karpal Singh is the biggest clown for having sacked from deputy prime minister and now believing every words that Anwar said to him. It makes me wonder why sometimes. It is all about money??? And how much is the amount??? DAP members should really take it serious about these matters.

Anonymous said...

My concern always, why BN or government did not initiate legal recourse against such accusation? Why didn't AG advise the government to take such action to negate the accusation. Those accusations are very damaging to the government, SPR, BN and even those that have voted.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't AG advise the government to take such action to negate the accusation


AG dah kenyang kut??...sama gak mcm kapal singki tu.....dulu bukan main lagi gegak gempita cabar Anuar dlm parlimen, sekali Anuar sumbat mulutnya ngan berguni guni duit, terus jadi sekutu dan pembela tegar ....Nuar kan banyak duit??? sampai sekarang tak berani suruh Bank Negara semak akaun dia....

Anonymous said...

Saman jangan tak saman.kalau dia kata segala bukti dia akan dedahkan didalam mahkamah nanti.pedulikan,dia cuma nak bikin gempak aja.orang macam ni jangan kasi muka lagi,iblis bertopengkan maanusia ini sepatutnya dah lama dinyahkan.

Anonymous said...

kenapa la xde stern action dkt si penipu munafiq nie... gomen xde telur ke... kat media sosial sedap je magrib2 dok main2kn isu ni... apa umno/bn xde lawyer ke susah sgt ke nak failkn saman... ini yg aku pelik sgg dicaci mangkuk ayun betullah

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