SUMBER : http://enchant1mst.com/

Mystery shrouds 1 Malaysia Spiritual Tourism project worth RM60b
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 — Question marks continue to surround the 1 Malaysia Spiritual Tourism project as more government officials expressed ignorance over the purported multi-billion ringgit planned development. Despite the developer’s claims of official backing for the massive project to build a religious retreat for non-Muslims like Buddhists, Hindus and Christians in Gambang, Pahang, members of the state’s branch of Tourism Malaysia and the state tourism office insist they have not heard of it.
“So far, we have not gotten any information,” Tourism Malaysia Pahang tourism officer Fauziah Elias told The Malay Mail Online on Wednesday. In a video presentation on the website for project developer Enchant Acres Sdn Bhd, group managing director Datuk Dr Allan Ho states that the 500-acre retreat will feature the largest columbarium in the world with five million niches to store cinerary urns.
Priced at US$4,000 (RM12,000) each, the niches would raise a theoretical total of RM60 billion that Ho said would be “more than enough for us to fund the whole building of this environment” that he said would start this year. Ho is listed as a marketing and hospitality expert on the company website. A “marketing plan” available on the same website depicts what appears to be a multi-tiered business model that promises early investors who make a booking of US$700 (RM2,310) per niche a 360 per cent return on their investment if they resell the reservation to the company.
Investors who allow their booking fees to mature further in the company’s possession until 2016 were promised a columbarium niche that the company said would appreciate to US$6,000 in four years.
The “marketing plan” also illustrates three tiers of memberships, from the entry-level “Kapitan” for US$2,100 to the top “Emperor” level that retails for US$7,000. Benefits and promised “compensation” increase based on the tiers, with the investors signing up for the uppermost tier standing to ostensibly earn up to US$20,000 a week, according to the plan’s claims.
Investors also stood to gain commissions based on bookings for niches that they manage to sell either personally or via a sales group that would then make them eligible to earn bonuses from an “Orchid World Pool” that could contain up to RM196 million. A Pahang state tourism official, who declined to be named, also said he has never heard of the 1 Malaysia Spiritual Tourism project. “We’re not aware of it,” he told The Malay Mail Online.
Enchant Acres’ website states that a 250-acre parcel of government land in Gambang has been approved for the project. The Pahang state secretariat refused to confirm or deny Enchant Acres’ claim of government approval for the land when contacted on the phone this week, and told The Malay Mail Online to send enquiries via email instead. They have yet to respond via email at press time. Previously, Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz also said that he was unaware of the mammoth faith tourism project.
Earlier this week, Muslim group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) criticised the project and accused its developers of threatening the position of Islam in the country.
Sehingga ke hari ini, kerajaan negeri Pahang masih belum memberikan maklumbalas terhadap PROJEK MEGAMOMANIA PUSAT LIBERISASI AGAMA ini.
Berdasarkan maklumat melalui laman web Enchant1MST, syarikat pemaju ENCHANT ACRES SDN. BHD. telah mendapat kelulusan bagi pembangunan 250 EKAR TANAH KERAJAAN di Bukit Gambang, Kuantan.
Tanah kerajaan tu ...
Namun sebelum itu, 'Spritual Tourism' ini bukanlah sesuatu yang baru dimulakan dinegara ini ...
Spiritual Tourism [ Pelancongan Spiritual ] ini telah bermula sejak dari tahun 2006, ketika Tengku Adnan Mansor memegang portfolio Menteri di Kementerian Pelancongan.
Memang benar, pelancongan mampu memberikan pendapatan lumayan kepada kerajaan untuk membangunkan negara ini. Ini tidak boleh dinafikan ...
Namun hakikatnya kita bersetuju dengan kenyataan rasmi IKATAN MUSLIMIN MALAYSIA bahawasanya kedudukan Islam yang mulia perlulah dihormati dan sebarang dasar dan aktiviti termasuk projek pelancongan yang mengandungi unsur mencabar kedaulatan Islam wajar dihentikan dan dibatalkan.
Sejajar dengan AGENDA PEMERKASAAN BUMIPUTERA, kerajaan sewajarnya lebih perlu membina keupayaan ekonomi dan menjana kewangan umat Islam terlebih dahulu. Perlu diingat, Melayu-Bumiputera mewakili komposisi terbesar penduduk di negara ini.
Terdapat banyak lagi cara untuk menjana pendapatan dan lebih menguntungkan.
Malah di negara ini sudah mempunyai terlalu banyak tokong, kuil dan gereja yang mampu dijadikan sebagai produk 'Spritual Tourism' bagi menarik minat dan perhatian pelancong luar. Mengapa perlu diteruskan pembinaan PUSAT AGAMA ini ?
Harus diingat, Perkara 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan menetapkan bahawa Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan. Dan sebagai sebuah negara yang memiliki pelbagai kaum yang menganut pelbagai agama, Malaysia membenarkan agama-agama lain turut diamalkan oleh penganut agama yang berbeza ... Inilah kebebasan beragama di Malaysia.
Tidak sepatutnya timbul alasan mengapa perlu diteruskan dengan PROJEK MEGALOMANIA LIBERISASI AGAMA walaupun mampu menjana pendapatan RM60 BILION.
Dalam pada masa yang sama, CINA KIASU semakin kukuh membina ikatan tanpa mengira fahaman politik bersepakat dalam membangunkan dan memperkembangkan agama mereka.
Apakah MELAYU-BUMIPUTERA beragama Islam masih lagi DIBUTAKAN HATI walaupun sujud mengadap kiblat yang sama ?
Kita yakin Perdana Menteri akan mendengar dan meneliti bantahan terhadap pembinaan PROJEK MEGALOMANIA LIBERISASI AGAMA ...

Dengan segala hormatnya...
Islam agama Persekutuan...
Bukannya Islam agama rasmi Persekutuan!
Tepi hutan, tepi jalan, tepi sungai, tepi longkang pun dah bnyk tokong dan kuil. Bole suka suka bina tanpa kelulusan. Kalau kita komplen pkrja majlis prbandran dtng melawat aje.
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